Saturday, March 11, 2023
My New Rental House
Sunday, March 5, 2023
Oh! My! God!
I haven't written here for ages. I am so sorry for being away for too long. A lot of things needed to be done after I became the Assessor for Speaking SPM last month.
I was busy with the annoying thing called MQS-STREAM whatsoever. Teachers had to decorate the bulletin boards, the department boards and so on. The HQ came for the benchmarking (I think they just wanted to list all our wrongdoings regarding managing the school and the hostels.
After that, there came UASA and SPM. Thank God I have finished marking and keying in the marks (just now, haha!)
I have a lot to do since I'm moving to rent house. It's my friend's house actually. She moved to her new house and I told her that I want to rent her house so she said yes. Cool! I don't have to be warden anymore, yay!!!
I have moved some of the things in boxes and a few plastic shelves. This evening I put all the curtains, comforter and pillows at the rent house. Tomorrow I want to do some clean up before putting on the curtains.
I don't know what to write since there are a lot of things on my mind now.
Oh yes, I am now obsess with the Chinese Drama called The Love Between Fairy and Demon. Love the series soooooo much!! The demon is so damn handsome and the fairy is super cute! There are 36 episodes all together but I only watched eps 16. I got a long way to go. Huhu!
I'm moving to the new house next Friday. I also need to do some revision for my upcoming APTIS Exam. I have 20 days more! So nervous!!
I'll try to update this blog everyday. Need the support form those who reading this. Ahaha!!
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